by Barbara Bitis
31 Mar, 2021
The Court of Appeal has handed down a landmark judgment , which considers how the family court is to treat allegations of domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. The decision comes months after Mr. Justice Hayden’s comments in F v M [2021] EWFC 4 in which the use of Scott Schedules was called into question when allegations are made of controlling and coercive behaviour. Both judgments highlighted that such behaviour often comprises regular and consistent behaviour over a long period of time and is rarely a one-off event. The court confirmed the need to move away from using Scott Schedules, which are ineffective and frequently unsuitable and concluded that instead of relying on them, parties be given leave to file short statements or present brief oral evidence at a preliminary hearing, setting out the alleged abuse and how it has affected them. Family court may well make findings as to what injury was caused rather than analysing factual evidence in the proceedings relating to the welfare of children based on criminal law principles. For more information contact Barbara Bitis on 07927 191 382.